As students mature, there is an increased importance for schools to track their movement throughout the building. Are they in the place they should
be? Our hall pass system tracks weekly or daily hall passes so students and administrators can easily see if students are and have been in the location
they are supposed to and are authorized to be in. Having students use individual hall passes puts responsibility on the students as well as decreases the spread of bacteria through communal passes. Elementary through Middle School will view each day as a vertical column so they can easily view
homework and notes for the day.
The vertical view also designates specific content areas for students to record
within to prevent a student from forgetting to write down their assignments.High school students utilize a more traditional horizontal format that allows them to utilize the space as they see fit.
These monochrome planners are designed to reduce the number of distractions students sometimes face using their planner. Although they
come without reference pages, they can be added. But most students have access to a tablet, phone or computer, to look up necessary reference
material. We hope you find Campus Planners an affordable alternative to consider while still promoting school spirit, pride, and utilizing handbooks.